Careers education and guidance
Careers education is provided at each Key Stage and is based on the philosophy that every individual can and should follow a path in life which is based on their own interests, so that they engage in work which they enjoy. As a result of this, they need to consider what interests them and look critically at their own actions, so they can determine what comes naturally to them.
The Careers Education and Guidance Programme aims to help you to discover more about specific careers through information, access to one-to-one guidance and work experience days. There is a biennial Careers Fair in the Spring Term where professionals are on hand for you and your parents to chat to informally and where you can quiz them about the world of work. Work experience takes place in the long holiday after the GCSE exams. You will be prepared for this through your PSHE classes. The School can also offer support and guidance in helping you to find suitable placements. The process allows you to be independent and experience the reality and necessity of important work-related skills.
There is a dedicated Careers area on your landing page which can also be accessed via the Headington Rye Oxford website student area. Here you will find a variety of valuable information on numerous options to help in your research and exploration into the world of work and your options as a school leaver as well as access to online videos and magazines.