| In the first of your Next Steps PSHE series, you will hear all about the GCSE courses we offer here at Headington Rye Oxford from the Academic Director of Middle School, Mrs Hawkes, who will also talk you through the process of choosing the subject combination that is right for you. You will also have the opportunity to ask any initial questions you have about the courses and what to expect as you begin your GCSE journey. You will also be given time to reflect on your initial thoughts in your form groups. |
| In the second PSHE session in the Next Steps series, you will hear about the range of alternative qualification options that are available for you to take alongside your GCSE subjects. Short course leaders from our already well-established 'Plus One' programme will brief you on course content and methods of assessment, as well as providing you with some examples of the knowledge and skills that you will gain if you choose one of these year-long courses to supplement your GCSE studies in Year 10. You will also hear from our GCSE Options Ambassadors; these Year 10 pupils will talk about their own experiences of choosing courses and their transition into the GCSE years. |
| In the final session of your Next Steps PSHE series, you will hear from the Academic Director of Sixth Form, Mrs Alice Barrett, who will provide valuable insight into the links between GCSE and A Level studies, including some really helpful information on facilitating subjects and educational pathways beyond school. You will also be introduced to the National Careers Service and Headington's online research platforms and Career Profiling system, which will help you to investigate your future career interests and provide initial insights into professions and industries which might suit you. |
Wednesday 26th February 2025 | At GCSE Options Evening, you and your parents will have the chance to hear a presentation from Dr Anne-Marie Stanton-Ife, Deputy Head Academic, and Mrs Becky Hawkes, Academic Director of Middle School, before touring the School's academic departments to hear more details about specific courses and ask any questions you might have. |
| Online Parents’ Evening (Year 9 pupils may also attend), at which the staff will be able to discuss your chosen subjects and progress with you and your parents. |
| We will ask you for your option choices for GCSE by this deadline. On the basis of these choices, the option blocks will be set up. If you change your mind at a later date, you will only be able to select subjects from these option blocks and space may sometimes be limited. |