At Headington Rye Oxford Prep School, our aim is to support a range of charities – locally, nationally or worldwide – with our time and thoughts and to promote empathy with those suffering hardship, thus widening the children’s awareness and understanding of the world.
At the end of each academic year, the School vote for the Charity that they would like to support next year. These charities are carefully selected and are mainly local children's charities such as Helen and Douglas House, Seesaw or The Parasol Project. The school community can then identify the needs of others and the various ways in which help and support may be given through monetary and gift donations. Selected charity monitors in Year 6 are encouraged throughout the year to initiate their own fundraising events and play roles in organising such occasions and making key decisions. Pupils throughout the School are also encouraged to organise their own events outside school to raise money for the charities the school community supports.
Representatives from the selected charities will come and talk to the children in assembly so that the school community can best understand how the money raised at school will help make a difference. A wide range of fundraising events are held, including music sponsorships, suitcase sales, concert or performance collections, non-school uniform days and dressing-up days, karaokes or even an ice cream van visit.
In the last few years, the Prep School has supported the NSPCC, Unicef UK, Marie Curie and more recently Rosie's Rainbow Fund, The Parasol Project and Blue Skye Thinking. This year the School community has been raising money for Thomley, a place for people of all abilities and disabilities.
Community links are also promoted, for example, through Harvest Festival celebrations and donations to local food banks. Each year, Year 5 pupils make soup for the Gatehouse Cafe in Oxford. Mrs Blackwell then delivers it to the organisation which supports the homeless. The School also supports a number of national campaigns, eg Bag2school and The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.
Form Representatives
A parent from each form is chosen to be the Form Representative to provide a forum for parents to share ideas and organise social events. The Form Representatives meet the Head once a term. We encourage all parents to sign up for Classlist, which is an excellent way to keep in touch with other parents in the year group. Parents can choose exactly which contact details they wish to share. Please see the Communication page of this booklet form more information on Classlist.
Foundation Day
The Summer Term ends with Foundation Day, which takes place on a Saturday. There is a combined service in school for the Prep and Senior Schools in the morning and activities on the field in the afternoon.
Foundation Day is considered to be officially the last day of the term and all children in Key Stages 1 and 2 are expected to attend.