A listening ear
To achieve their best, we believe girls need to be happy and feel supported at all times.
The School is warm, friendly and caring and we provide a wide array of pastoral support to look after all aspects of girls’ mental and physical health.
We will get to know your daughter before she starts with us, taking time to help her settle in and make connections. Throughout her time here, she will have a team of professionals looking out for her, from her teachers to our pastoral and nursing teams.
Our open door policy means girls can raise issues or concerns at any time.
We also encourage broad friendship groups, kindness and empathy, meaning girls look out for each other and support each other both when things are going well and when they are more challenging. Our comprehensive Personal, Social and Health Education programme will provide your daughter with information about and the tools to deal with some of the issues she may face as she goes from girlhood to her teenage years.
Who looks out for your daughter?
Two form tutors • Head of Year • Head of Section • Head of House • Deputy Head Pastoral • Deputy Head Pupil Experience • Boarding staff • Wellbeing prefect • Year prefect • House student leaders • Health Centre nursing team • Counsellors • Chaplains

We know pupils so well that often, we’re alert to issues before girls recognise them themselves
Deputy Head Pastoral