Personal, Social and Health Education
All students in the Sixth Form at Headington Rye Oxford experience our flagship Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) programme, the aim of which is to allow students to engage with real world issues in a mature adult manner, preparing them for entry into an increasingly complex world.
Students are prepared for the future by covering topics which include driving safety, employment rights and responsibilities, tax, travel safety and managing a budget.
We are fortunate to attract an extremely diverse range of speakers to complement the curriculum covering areas such as consent, violence against women and developing a a healthy relationship with social media. These include CoppaFeel - the Boobettes - who speak to students about the importance of self examination, Oxfordshire Sexual Health Service and Terrence Higgins Trust who donate their time to advise students on their sexual health and Deanna Puccio, the Rap Project, who discusses female empowerment and the transition to university and the challenges students face there.
Further to this, students are exposed to a variety of speakers from different employment fields. Recent highlights include a CNBC Correspondent, Marketing Director of Pandora, and a lifestyle medicine doctor and published author talking about the importance of gut health!
PSHE lessons are undoubtedly the highlight of the week for our students and contribute a great deal to the unique Sixth Form experience at Headington Rye Oxford.