The Lower Sixth Electives Programme
During the Lower Sixth, students will have the opportunity to take part in the Electives and Academic Skills programme or work towards the Mini MBA qualification.
The Electives and Academic Skills programme involves students completing three short elective courses which they choose from an exciting and diverse range of topics. Each elective lasts approximately four weeks. In between the electives, we run a Critical and Creative Thinking skills course, teaching and training the students how to approach the world in a curious, critical and questioning way. In addition, there will be sessions where students will practise and develop their academic skills, including researching, writing and presenting, in preparation for academic life after Sixth Form. Students who have chosen the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) as part of their A Level options will complete an extended programme of academic skills as part of the EPQ taught skills programme.
A small number of students will be given the opportunity to complete a mini MBA qualification during the year.
Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
The EPQ is an extended student-driven research project, equivalent to half an A Level in terms of university entrance points. The qualification develops students’ abilities beyond the classroom and helps prepare them for future learning, as well as being highly respected by universities.
The EPQ involves students researching an area of personal interest in a topic or subject and presenting their research findings as either a 5,000-6,000 word dissertation, a 4000-5000 word primary research investigation or an artefact of performance with an accompanying report of 1,000-3,000 words.. There is a continual emphasis on analysis, evaluation and reflection on what the student has learnt throughout the EPQ which each student records in their logbook. Students give a 15-minute presentation on their EPQ at Academic Presentation Evening as part of their qualification.
The EPQ is a popular choice among students studying three or four A Levels.
The Mini-MBA
The first programme of its kind at Headington Rye Oxford. In it, you will complete:
Personal influence part 1
- interpersonal skills
- communication
- branding
- market research
- new product development
- product portfolio management
- pricing strategies
- promotion
- integrated marketing strategy
- real business project - application of marketing knowledge
Personal influence part 2
- emotional intelligence
- economic environment
- costs
- calculating a price
- cashflow
- balance sheet
- analysing accounts
- improving financially
Case study challenge
- students split into teams to compete against each other within the context of a business challenge
MBA is a prestigious name that resonates all over the world. It comprises a number of subjects that together can be said to constitute the science of management.
The Mini-MBA commitment is one taught session per week and one online session per week, with regular summative assessments. The Mini-MBA cannot be taken with other electives and is a year-long option.
The Electives Programme
Alongside your Advanced Level programme, you will also be able to choose three Sixth Form Elective subjects to study.
The Sixth Form Electives Programme is an opportunity to explore areas beyond the confines of your A Level specifications, studying courses that either complement your chosen subjects or may be totally different, may link into a preferred university course, or may not. Some activities will be teacher-led, others student-led.
Each elective course will run for approximately five lessons, with three lessons per fortnight. Some electives are limited on size and, so that we can ensure everyone is able to participate in courses that interest them, we ask all students to indicate their preferred six electives that they would like to study in the Lower Sixth. We aim to incorporate three of these preferences within your electives programme across the year.