Boarding in the Sixth Form
As the academic workload increases as girls progress through the School, many of our day girls choose to convert to full, weekly or half-weekly boarding as they reach the Sixth Form.
For lots of families, the flexible boarding offer means girls can cut down dramatically on the time spent commuting and take advantage of our many extra-curricular activities without compromising on all-important family time.
Our two Sixth Form houses are tailored to the specific needs and requirements of girls as they deal with the increased academic workload of A Levels.
For those who prefer to continue to live in mixed age group houses and enjoy more physical distance from school, both Napier and Hillstow house have some places reserved for Sixth Form boarders. These work especially well for those who benefit from taking positions of responsibility and leadership within the boarding community.
Boarding in the Sixth Form can be the perfect bridge between Sixth Form and university. Managing the increased freedom being a boarder in the Sixth Form brings is excellent preparation for learning and life beyond Headington Rye Oxford.
I can learn so much better now. Having teachers around all the time and having U6 girls who are doing the same subjects boarding with me is so helpful because there’s always someone there to help.
Emily, Lower Sixth weekly boarder