Achieving your potential
We are very proud of our girls' academic results at Headington Rye Oxford.
Headington Rye Oxford is rated amongst the very best performing schools at A Level and GCSE.
Girls go on to Oxbridge and Russell Group universities, securing sought-after places on competitive courses such as Architecture, English, Engineering, History or Medicine. We also regularly support girls to follow alternative paths, for example prestigious school leaver programmes, drama school, culinary school or Art Foundation courses.
Each year girls are encouraged to enter a wealth of different academic competitions, from Maths Challenges to Chemistry or Linguistics Olympiads, competing against bright students from all over the country and achieving impressive results. We regularly celebrate girls’ success in contests in, for example, Law, Creative Writing, Classics, Science and Economics.
There are a wide variety of academic enrichment opportunities on offer at all ages, from support for those who need a little extra help, to cross-curricular projects, to activities, clubs and competitions aimed at stretching and challenging the very brightest.
Many girls get results that are higher than they dreamed was possible
Assistant Head Academic