Life in the Sixth Form at Headington Rye Oxford
The Sixth Form Centre provides a welcoming and positive environment in which you can develop your full potential, achieve your ambitions and prepare yourself for Higher Education and the world beyond.
Mrs Barrett, the Academic Director of Sixth Form, co-ordinates the academic studies and Miss Leigh is in charge of pastoral care. There are links with similar schools so that you can take part in debates, drama, musical ventures and a wide variety of other functions. There are regular visits to theatres, art galleries and museums in Oxford, Stratford-upon-Avon and London. You will also have numerous opportunities to travel further afield.
On entry to the Lower Sixth we divide the students into tutor groups of approximately 15. You will have your own personal tutor who advises you about your work, and supports your applications for Higher Education.
What else happens in the Sixth Form?
As well as your Sixth Form curriculum studies, you will also follow an electives programme with topics such as Human Evolution, Critical Geographical Global Issues, Practical Chemistry and Cooking for University Life. Alternatively, you can opt to take the Mini MBA, worth half an A Level. You will also follow an academic skills programme and be able to opt for the Extended Project Qualification. There is a wide supra-curricular programme with lectures and seminars on an impressive range of contemporary issues.
You will also have access to an amazing range of extra-curricular activities – this is your opportunity to try something new and develop a new skill or talent such as Young Enterprise or Model United Nations.